Monday, June 15, 2009

This Place is for the Birds...

"Barb's garden fountain looks a bit deeper than her two bird baths. Guess I'll try it out."

"Ahhh... This is great. Hey, no peeking!"

"I'll just sit here and let my feathers dry out before I go feed that lazy young'n of mine."

"See him over there in the grass?"

"He thought he'd try out his wings before he was ready and now he expects me to make sure he gets his lunch every day. Kids!"

Mrs. Blue Bird, who's babies are still in the nest, watches the activities from an over-head wire.

Have lunch with a friend.
Her kids might be bugging her too and she needs a time-out!


  1. I have a bunch of robins this year, and I wish I knew where they were nesting. Would love to see the babies.

    Loved the last comment. My kids were bugging me today. Big time. I could have used someone showing up for lunch.

  2. the robins have just been great this year.
    ontario has passed the law that people can't put weed killing pesticides on their lawns anymore and so the robins aren't dying.
    i had a robin paying us a visit last ruby tuesday barb. we feed the birds all year long and this year they are safer from the wandering neighbourhood cats. bernie spreads our cat's droppings in the soil around the bird feeder...presto!..good bye neighbourhood wandering cats!
    we saw a family of robins for the first time since we lived here, nesting and we saw the mama and papa robins teaching them how to fly and how to find their own worms..
    such a pretty sight and bernie would talk to them, calling them "little guys" and they would not even be afraid of him.
    it looks like your robins have no fear of you either barb!
    because this is such a good photo shoot that they gave to you!
    love terry
