Thursday, June 18, 2009

After the Rain...

A little wild Daisy that found a safe haven among perennials in the garden. It's no wonder that my flowerbeds are over-run ~ I never can bring myself to pull any plant, wild or not. If it blooms, it stays!

A group of Lily buds ready to spring to life any day, it's leaves refreshed with today's rain drops.

Baby Bunny came out to play...and eat...after an all-day rain.

My first Day Lily blossom of the season.

Rainy day.
Sunny day.
Enjoy every day.


  1. I like your positive attitude. I need to find one of those! lol The lily is beautiful.

  2. We had a bunny show up every spring but last winter must have been too hard or they found a better hangout:) I love your photos. Thanks for your comment on my Wrecking Journal process. It helped.

  3. oh that is some bad bunny all righty barb!
    but oh so cute!
    the daisy is so beautiful!
    who even has the right to call such a lovely creation of god himself, a weed?!
    this time of year the wild daisies, and the purple clovers are covering the fields along the highway!
    the lilys are a welcome sight barb.
    they seem to last forever!......happy days for are a terry
