Sunday, June 7, 2009

Random Shots from the Week...

The water in my garden ponds are up to par at this point, but I haven't seen my fish in a while!

Sure hope they are just hanging out at the bottom instead of having become a snack for a hungry night time predator. Unfortunately, that's always a possibility when you live in the woods!

My flowerbeds are weed-free, sans mulch. I screwed up the budget and bought a load, but haven't gotten it all spread yet. I'll probably get that finished about as quick as I catch a glimpse of the fish in my pond!

This too can be expected when you live in the woods. (Meaning: I can always find a good reason, especially if I have my camera in tow, to bypass shoveling and/or raking!)

I like how the copper star appears to be watching over the bed of Iris.

Raindrops on an Iris after a brief afternoon shower.

A second-year cub looking for a yummy morsel of corn. He's fun to watch, but I'm not too fond of seeing the big male who visits every now and then.

Hope you see wonderful sights during your week.


  1. Very nice garden. :( I got snow this weekend, and my poppies and lillies froze. Sighs.

  2. You have such a beautiful, neat yard. I love the pond. How awesome to have! I would rather rake and shovel than do anything else. It's my form of entertainment.

  3. good morning barb!
    i have decided this to be a catch up week.
    every time i blog in to my site, i see you there on my followers list and i feel that i have been so neglecting you!
    here i come and hearing all this beautiful music.
    you know i have always been a piano girl myself but this organ is just something!!
    so cheerful....

    when i looked at the picture of your woods and all your great pictures, i got to thinking to myself and wondering if pennsylvania has any jack in the pulpits hiding somewhere in the shadows of your cool woods.
    so i googled and lo and behold they are found in your state, so i hope on your next trip with you and your buddy, "the camera", that you will find one and capture a picture of one for me.
    i used to see them every year when i worked out in the country and i love them so.
    just google it yourself barb and you will see what they look like ant that for a sure they are found in your homey plain and simple state!

    don't worry about those fish...maybe as the weather gets warmer they will come to the surface to say howdy to you and ask "and how has YOUR winter been barbara"?
    Ha!!.." way too long," you will have to tell them my friend!
    well i better say bye to this great post and go backwards and read your previous terry

  4. I love bears and flowers!!
    Nice music :)Different for me, but I enjoyed.
