Sunday, March 1, 2009

Make do and mend...

Over the years, I've become quite adept in the art of mending:

* Little Girl's dress hems.
* Broken doll arms.
* Ripped blue jeans.
* Belt loops.
* Chair cushions.
* Snowmobile covers.
* and even fences... yep... the honest-to-goodness-barbed-wire-post-hole-digger-fence-stretcher-staples-bigger-than-your-thumb kinda fence!

That was then.

This is now:

* The girls are grown and have kids of their own. And besides, who wears dresses today, anyway??
* Dolls have been replaced with complicated technical thingys.
* Ripped blue jeans are a fashion statement. (thank-goodness, not in every one's opinion!)
* Nix on loops, cushions and covers.
* and I don't ever plan on walking another fence line... much less repair the fence!

This is my latest mending work of art.

Have you priced lampshades recently??? Yeee gads!!! Maybe my handy-work isn't the greatest, but for now, it will have to do!

Next... I'm going to work on my frayed-but-not-completely-broken Spirit. I realize it needs some immediate attention, but I'm also thinking that the lampshade will turn out to be the easiest project of the two!


  1. Hi Barb;
    I'll try again. Glad you're back, and glad you aren't getting hammered with the snow. I'm anxiously waiting for spring too, and to plant my gardens. We grow lots of our own veggies. Nothing like it.

  2. Glad to see you're back. R

  3. Why is your spirit broken?

    Can I help mend it?
