Monday, April 20, 2009

Wet Ruby Tuesday...

This morning, as I looked out the kitchen window, I wouldn't think of mentioning the snow-covered ground.

And I wouldn't think of mentioning the snow flakes changing to sleet before I could take my second sip of coffee.

And I wouldn't think of mentioning that I had to dig out a turtle-neck and sweat shirt to wear today.

So... as long as I haven't mentioned how cold and depressing the weather has been today, I'll just post some sunny photos to celebrate Ruby Tuesday!!

A perfect red roof, without a shadow of doubt, and a gold star to validate it!

The Pussy Willows are nearing their fuzzy stage.

Blue skies from a couple of days ago and the Maple buds I love so much.

See many other great Ruby Tuesday photos HERE.

And I wouldn't think of mentioning that it's still cold and rainy.


  1. What nice pictures! I love the pussy willows.

  2. Very nice Ruby Tuesday shots!


  3. Oh such perfect Ruby shots. So sorry about your weather :0(

  4. I like your different choices for Red Hope your weather gets better soon.

    Here is my Ruby Tuesday post.

  5. Very nice - love the pussy willow shot.

  6. I sympathize! We have sun and 20c today but snow forecast for Thursday...NOOOOO!
    Meanwhile I'll bask in your warm reds!Lovely shots!

  7. Snow flakes, sleet and turtle necks...all very bad words! :) I hope it doesn't last long.

  8. my neighbor had a heat stroke on Sunday, so i try my best to ignore the 34 degrees C heat outside, and wish i'm in your part of the world.:D

  9. Great pictures to substitute for bad weather. I am sorry you have rain. We usually have rain in the Northwest, but it was close to 80 today and sunny. :)

  10. Great Ruby Tuesday captures. I will be moving back to Southeastern PA in just a few weeks, I hope it warms up by June!
    Mine is here

  11. i've seen those type of stars on houses. i like it!

  12. and a fantastic tree shadow too!!

  13. Great shots even if there is SNOW did you say! Oh no. Keep your chin up, we have, and it was in the 80's today. We spent the entire day taking pictures of trains.
