Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blue Skies and Yellow Flowers...

It's the first day that I've felt like going for a walk in a long time. It's still cool enough to wear a sweatshirt, but at least, mittens and earmuffs weren't the order of the day!

I found these pretty little wild flowers along the way and also my Daffodils poking their heads up through last Fall's leaf cover. There's hope!!!!

The moon at 52% of full at 3:32 P.M. today, April 2. Check out my side bar to see it's status right at the moment you're reading this post.

I was pleased the way the photo of the jet turned out and when I look at it, I can think that maybe it was our Sammy! Could be... you never know where the Air Force is going to send him next. It will be a great day when he's back in PA!

This is where I live and it's a good thing the Township installed this new sign so I would remember. There are just days like that!!


  1. That little flower is a Coltsfoot. They are among the first to bloom in the Spring.
    Great shot of the moon. I have trouble with this one, and the jet is really clear.
    Have a great week-end.

  2. Thanks Becky...
    I never knew the name of that flower, but I always look for it as the very first sign of Spring!

    Have a nice weekend.

  3. Hi Barb!

    I truly enjoyed viewing your photos. Each one lovely!
