Thursday, May 14, 2009

Taking a Break...

Sometimes, it's just good to have a rainy day to justify sitting back in the recliner, laptop positioned comfortably, while doing nothing more than pound on the keyboard or reading everyone else's blog to see what they are up to.

For me, this is the day, it's 10 AM and I'm still in my PJ's.
I heard it's the dress code for today!!

Yesterday was the one day that I always dread every Spring. When the weather is warm enough, it's time to drain the garden ponds, and I end up wallowing around in fish poop most of the day. I lost half a dozen of my largest Koi over the winter, but I have a better plan for this year and don't expect to loose any of the 13 that I have left.

Shiny pond liner...
After hours of scrubbing.

Clear, sparkling water...
Straight from the spring.

The fish are gonna love me!


  1. Love your blog and the intro lines.

    Yes, today is a day for breaks and PJs. Enjoy.

  2. Hi Anandi,
    Thanks for your nice comment.

    I'd love to visit your blog, but I can't find your link! Will you send it to me? Thanks.


  3. I love rainy days but we don't get many here in Southern California. It's nice to meet you Barb of Plain and Simple. Namaste to you ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,
