Monday, March 9, 2009

A walk in the cold...

Wet. Wind. Cold.

...but I was determined to find a Ruby Tuesday subject to photograph.

It didn't happen! Everything outside is still dreary and gray, no matter where you look. My walk only produced wet feet and jeans, cold ears, runny nose and watery eyes.

So, from my photo file, I give to you the best I could come up with for this Tuesday.

A candle looses nothing by lighting another candle.

There are some of my readers who know how crazy I am for all-things-railroad, so it's easy to understand why I just had to stop next to this siding to catch a shot of an old boxcar! Lined it up pretty darn good to catch the reflection in the sunroof of my little red car, if I don't mind saying so myself!

Hop on over to The Work of the Poet to check out other Ruby Tuesday entries. You'll find some pretty amazing photos from many other bloggers.


  1. the 2nd photo is so creative! excellent job!

  2. I like trains. Your reflection is pretty. I couldn't do this, I don't have a red roofed car.
    We do have some nice spring blooms today so I put some of them (three) on my RT, come see.
    Happy Ruby Tuesday,

  3. I love candles, your picture is wonderful!! very creative shot of your red car :)

  4. You just made me shiver. I would have skipped the walk and opted for warmth! :)

  5. I like your red candle, and I enjoyed your Conway Twitty, as well!

  6. Your nose was probably red, but hard to photgraph :) The red candle is lovely and feels so warm.

  7. What a beautiful box car the reflections. I like the candle photo too. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  8. the box car reflection is a very clever shot
    and the candle is so soothing
